
A very limited time special edition box set. Get both curvy girl holiday romances for the price of one!

A Christmas Dream


For the last decade, I’ve had the same Christmas dream every holiday season.

It’s lovely, happy, sensual, and it’s total bullsh*t because there is no man like my dream man out there for me.

Luckily, the sexy dream only happens once a year, because if it happened more than that, it would be depressing, a constant reminder of what I have in reality.

In real life, I was just dumped by the latest loser in my life, a man who was just using me for my money, and a roof over his head.

Good riddance, right?

But things aren’t really all that simple.

Problem is, I don’t feel like I’m worthy of anything better because I’m a big girl, and I like my food, if you know what I mean.
So I made a bargain with myself to stay away from men and dating completely for at least a year to give myself a break, and to try to find my self-esteem after dating a string of men who just didn’t want…me.

I thought that promise I made to myself would be easy to keep, and it was…until I met Jackson Gillette in Galveston while I was hiding out in my beach house licking my wounds from so many bad relationships.

Jackson is a gorgeous, drool-worthy kind of guy. In other words, he was trouble.

Men like him did not date women like me.

But when I realized that there’s so much more to Jackson than the eye can see, do I dare take a chance on realizing my Christmas dream?

After all, he might just be exactly what I want from Santa this year.

Author Note: If you’re looking for a traditional, sweet Christmas romance, you might want to move on. This is a sexy, panty melting, fantastical Christmas romance that’s heavily rolled in sugar sweet enough to satisfy your craving for Christmas cookies, with a big dose of Christmas magic. If that sounds like great holiday reading to you, then dig in and enjoy!!

A Valentine's Dream


February 14th is just another day to me.

I don't really believe in hearts, flowers, romance, or happily-ever-afters. And I certainly don't think there's a dream man for a curvy woman like me, even if my little sister had found hers over the holidays. I'm more realistic. Or at least...I was...until I met Levi Gillette during my sister Hayden's wedding rehearsal dinner The man seems to have an annoying ability to make me lose my cool and calm facade. Yeah, he's definitely hot, but my sister's brother-in-law-to-be was also arrogant, infuriating, presumptuous, bossy, and most likely one big player because the man could be charming when he wanted to be.

No thanks! Been there, done that, and I'd had more than enough of men like Levi Gillette. But when I start having amazingly erotic, intimate dreams about him, it's almost impossible to ignore him in the flesh.

In my dreams, it was like I'd known Levi forever.

But in person, I barely knew him, and he challenges everything I'd ever assumed about myself. We don't even like each other, yet he feels so...familiar.

Finally, when the lines between dreams and reality start to blur, I have to wonder whether I can trust a guy like Levi with my heart.

I knew he was hiding something. There were things I didn't know. I could feel it.

So when Levi finally reveals some hidden truths, I'm not sure whether to believe him, or run away as fast as my sneakers can put distance between us.

How can a woman like me, a female who has never had much faith in romantic love , suddenly believe in a A Valentine's Dream?

Author's Note: This isn't your average, sweet Valentine's romance. It's an erotic, romantic fantasy sprinkled with some insta-lust/insta-love. But it IS a safe story. Guaranteed HEA, no cheating, and enough sweetness and heat to melt your Valentine's Day chocolates. If you're looking for a steamy, fantastical, curvy girl romance....read on. : )

A Christmas Dream


For the last decade, I’ve had the same crazy Christmas dream every holiday season.
It’s lovely, happy, sensual, and it’s total bullsh*t because there is no man like my dream man out there for me.
Luckily, the sexy dream only happens once a year, because if it happened more than that, it would be depressing, a constant reminder of what I have in reality.
In real life, I was just dumped by the latest loser in my life, a man who was just using me for my money, and a roof over his head.
Good riddance, right?
But things aren’t really all that simple.
Problem is, I don’t feel like I’m worthy of anything better because I’m a big girl, and I like my food if you know what I mean.
So I made a bargain with myself to stay away from men and dating completely for at least a year to give myself a break, and to try to find my self-esteem after dating a string of men who just didn’t want…me.
I thought that promise I made to myself would be easy to keep, and it was…until I met Jackson Gillette in Galveston while I was hiding out in my beach house licking my wounds from so many bad relationships.
Jackson is a gorgeous, drool-worthy kind of guy. In other words, he was trouble.
Men like him did not date women like me.
But when I realized that there’s so much more to Jackson than the eye can see, do I dare take a chance on realizing my Christmas dream?
After all, he might just be exactly what I want from Santa this year.

Author Note: If you’re looking for a traditional, sweet Christmas romance, you might want to move on. This is a sexy, panty melting, fantastical Christmas romance that’s heavily rolled in sugar sweet enough to satisfy your craving for Christmas cookies, with a big dose of Christmas magic. If that sounds like a great holiday reading to you, then dig in and enjoy!!

A Valentine’s Dream


February 14th is just another day to me.

I don't really believe in hearts, flowers, romance, or happily-ever-afters. And I certainly don't think there's a dream man for a curvy woman like me, even if my little sister had found hers over the holidays. I'm more realistic. Or at least...I was...until I met Levi Gillette during my sister Hayden's wedding rehearsal dinner The man seems to have an annoying ability to make me lose my cool and calm facade. Yeah, he's definitely hot, but my sister's brother-in-law-to-be was also arrogant, infuriating, presumptuous, bossy, and most likely one big player because the man could be charming when he wanted to be.

No thanks! Been there, done that, and I'd had more than enough of men like Levi Gillette. But when I start having amazingly erotic, intimate dreams about him, it's almost impossible to ignore him in the flesh.

In my dreams, it was like I'd known Levi forever.

But in person, I barely knew him, and he challenges everything I'd ever assumed about myself. We don't even like each other, yet he feels so...familiar.

Finally, when the lines between dreams and reality start to blur, I have to wonder whether I can trust a guy like Levi with my heart.

I knew he was hiding something. There were things I didn't know. I could feel it.

So when Levi finally reveals some hidden truths, I'm not sure whether to believe him, or run away as fast as my sneakers can put distance between us.

How can a woman like me, a female who has never had much faith in romantic love , suddenly believe in A Valentine's Dream?

Author's Note: This isn't your average, sweet Valentine's romance. It's an erotic, romantic fantasy sprinkled with some insta-lust/insta-love. But it IS a safe story. Guaranteed HEA, no cheating, and enough sweetness and heat to melt your Valentine's Day chocolates. If you're looking for a steamy, fantastical, curvy girl romance....read on. : )


A sexy, moody, broody mountain man who only wants his solitude. A city woman trying to find herself in the backwoods. One horrible rock slide that leaves the two strangers stuck together...whether they want to be or not.

I've been holed up in my crappy, one room cabin in the back country of Colorado for so long that I'm basically not even human anymore. And I'm not here because I have to be. I'm not some crazy prepper who thinks the apocalypse is coming, and I'm not running from the law.

I'm just an artist who gets lost in the creation of my wood sculptures, and I'm alone because I like it this way. I do my best work when I'm separated from the rest of the world And for the most part, people suck, and there isn't anybody back in civilization who will ever notice that I'm not there anyway.

I'm so far off the beaten path that it's rare for me to see another human at all, and I'm perfectly fine with that...until Keeley Norton comes crashing into my solitary life--literally.

It isn't like I really want to rescue the woman and haul her back to my cabin. But I can't leave her on the side of the mountain injured, either. I might be a surly jerk, but even I can't be that heartless.

Basically, I'm screwed in more ways than one.

Luckily, she only has to be stuck with me for a few days. I can handle that, right? Even if I don't want her in my cabin, what can happen in forty-eight hours?

Problem is, I didn't count on the way she makes me feel every time I look into her sexy, smoldering dark eyes. All I really want to do is nail her. Against the wall. Bent over my rickety table. Any time or any place is fine with me. And believe me, I fantasize about every single location as the hours tick by.

My plan is to just ignore her until she can get back to her own place, but that idea isn't working out so well.

Turns out, Keeley isn't a woman who is easily ignored.

She's beautiful.

She's sexy.

She's smart.

She's chatty -- which really should drive me crazy since I'm a guy of few words, but it grows on me.

She's kind and not the type to judge -- even though she's a smart-mouthed city woman who doesn't have a clue how to survive in the backwoods.

All in all, Keeley is way more dangerous to me than any four-legged predator in the woods.

Simply put, she's exactly the kind of woman I need to avoid.

And I try to keep my distance. I want to keep my secrets to myself, and the last thing I want is to be painfully pried open by a female who will be gone in a matter of a few days.

I'm a master at avoiding complications, but Keeley is an unholy temptation that even a hardened loner like me might not be able to resist...

Geliebter Stalker: Sammelband

Was geschieht, wenn eine Frau sich in ihren Stalker verliebt?

Ich gehöre nicht zu den Frauen, die tatsächlich Leidenschaft in einem Mann erwecken, und schon gar nicht in einem, der es sich zur Angewohnheit gemacht hat, mich zu beobachten, da er besessen ist.

Ich bin mollig und unscheinbar. Ich esse gern Pommes Frites, Schokolade und Junkfood, und das ist ganz deutlich zu sehen.

Ich bin eine gebildete Streberin, die ihre Nase lieber in einen Computer steckt als in ein Modemagazin.

Doch all diese Dinge scheinen für Stalker keine Rolle zu spielen. Er sieht etwas in mir, das ich nicht einmal selbst sehe, und ich weiß nicht warum.

Ich habe große Angst, bin gleichzeitig aber auch fasziniert.

Verfolgt er mich, weil er mich besitzen will, mich kontrollieren will und mich in die Frau verwandeln will, für die er mich hält?

Ist er mein Albtraum oder mein geliebter Stalker?

Ihn kennenzulernen könnte töricht sein, doch aus irgendeinem Grund kann ich ihm nicht einfach den Rücken zukehren …

Anmerkung der Autorin: Es handelt sich hierbei um einen heißen, sexy Liebesroman, in dem es um ein kurvenreiches Mädchen und einen besessenen, kontrollierenden Stalker geht. Das Lesen erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr.

Nur für Leser über 18 Jahre geeignet.

Träume zum Valentinstag

Für mich ist der 14. Februar einfach nur ein Tag wie jeder andere.

Ich glaube nicht wirklich an Herzen, Blumen, Romantik oder Happy Ends. Und auf gar keinen Fall kann ich mir vorstellen, dass es dort draußen einen Traummann für ein kurvenreiches Mädchen wie mich gibt, selbst nachdem meine Schwester über die Weihnachtstage ihren Seelenverwandten kennengelernt hat. Ich bin etwas realistischer. Oder zumindest war ich das, bis ich Levi Gillette kennenlerne.
Ja, er ist ganz sicher heiß, doch er ist auch arrogant, anmaßend, gebieterisch und höchstwahrscheinlich auch ein Schürzenjäger, denn er kann ebenfalls sehr charmant sein – wenn er will.

Nein danke! Doch als ich beginne, wundervoll erotische, intime Träume über ihn zu haben, ist es fast unmöglich, ihn weiterhin zu ignorieren.

Ich weiß, dass er etwas verheimlicht. Und als er mir schließlich einige seiner Geheimnisse anvertraut, bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob ich ihm glauben soll.

Wie kann eine Frau wie ich plötzlich an einen Traum zum Valentinstag glauben?

Anmerkung der Autorin: Dies ist kein traditioneller Roman zum Valentinstag. Es handelt sich hierbei um erotische und romantische Fantasy mit garantiertem Happy End, ohne Betrügereien, aber mit genügend Knistern, um Ihr Valentinsherz zum Schmelzen zu bringen. Wenn Sie nach einem heißen, fantastischen Liebesroman über ein kurvenreiches Mädchen suchen … dann sind Sie hier richtig!

Nur für Leser über 18 Jahre geeignet.

Träume zum Weihnachtsfest

Schon seit zehn Jahren habe ich jedes Jahr zu Weihnachten den gleichen verrückten Traum.
Er ist nett, toll und sinnlich, und außerdem vollkommener Blödsinn, denn für mich gibt es einfach keinen Mann wie den in meinen Träumen.

Im richtigen Leben wurde ich gerade erst von einem Kerl verlassen, der nur wegen meines Geldes und einer Unterkunft mit mir zusammen war.

Was für ein Glück, dass ich den los bin, nicht wahr?

Doch leider sind die Dinge nicht so einfach.

Unglücklicherweise habe ich das Gefühl, als stämmige Frau nichts Besseres verdient zu haben.
Also habe ich mir fest vorgenommen, mindestens ein Jahr lang nicht mehr mit einem Mann auszugehen, um nach einer Reihe von unglücklichen Beziehungen mein Selbstbewusstsein wiederzuerlangen.

Es war leicht, dieses Vorhaben umzusetzen … zumindest bis ich in Galveston Jackson Gillette begegnet bin, während ich mich in meinem Strandhaus versteckt habe, um meine Wunden zu lecken.

Jackson ist umwerfend – mit anderen Worten, er bedeutet Ärger.

Männer wie er gehen nicht mit Frauen wie mir aus.
Doch ich merke, dass Jackson ein Geheimnis hat. Werde ich es wagen, mir meinen Weihnachtswunsch zu erfüllen?

Anmerkung der Autorin: Wenn Sie nach einem traditionellen weihnachtlichen Roman suchen, sollten Sie besser ein anderes Buch wählen. Es handelt sich hierbei um einen heißen, sexy und märchenhaften Liebesroman mit einer großen Portion Weihnachtszauber. Wenn Ihnen diese Beschreibung gefällt, dann wünsche ich Ihnen viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Nur für Leser über 18 Jahre geeignet.

Verloren in den Wäldern: Ein Bergmensch findet die Liebe

Ein sexy, mürrischer, launischer Bergmensch, der nichts weiter als die Einsamkeit sucht. Eine Frau aus der Stadt, die sich in den abgelegenen Wäldern finden will. Ein heftiger Steinschlag, der die beiden zusammenführt … ob es ihnen nun gefällt oder nicht.

Ich bin keiner dieser verrückten Prepper, die auf den Weltuntergang warten, ich bin nur ein Künstler, der vollkommen in seiner Arbeit aufgeht. Und ich bin allein, weil ich es so will.

Normalerweise begegnet mir hier in den Bergen keine Menschenseele … bis eines Tages Keeley vor meiner Hütte steht.

Sie ist hübsch.

Sie ist sexy.

Sie ist klug.

Und sie ist gefährlicher für mich, als jeder vierbeinige Jäger in der Wildnis es jemals sein könnte.

Doch Keeley entpuppt sich als eine Herausforderung, der selbst ein eingefleischter Einzelgänger wie ich nicht widerstehen kann.

Nur für Leser über 18 Jahre geeignet.

A Obsessão do Bilionário ~ Simon

Anteriormente uma trilogia, A Obsessão do Bilionário está agora completa com uma história bônus na coleção completa sobre Simon e Kara.

Esta coleção completa de A Obsessão do Bilionário inclui:
Minha esta noite
Minha por enquanto
Minha para sempre
Completamente minha.

Em uma onda de azar, a estudante de enfermagem e garçonete em tempo integral Kara Foster recebe um golpe na situação financeira já desesperada que certamente a deixará sem teto. A única coisa que poderia salvá-la é um milagre e Kara é resgatada por uma pessoa desconhecida e improvável. O bilionário Simon Hudson faz uma oferta que é impossível de recusar, mas aterrorizante de aceitar de um homem que ela não conhece. Será o alfa belo e bilionário realmente a solução para os problemas dela? Ou acabará sendo uma grande complicação e um perigo para a sanidade emocional de Kara?

O bilionário Simon Hudson prefere estar atrás de um computador, criando jogos de computador, a ter contato com a elite e sabe exatamente o que quer... até conhecer Kara Foster. Alguma coisa em Kara toca Simon de formas nunca antes sentidas e decididamente desagradáveis. Por mais de um ano, Simon observa Kara. Mas, teimosamente, recusa-se a admitir o desejo de possuí-la, nem mesmo para si mesmo. Mas, quando ela acaba em uma situação que poderia ser sua destruição, Simon decide ajudá-la, sem perceber que, ao salvá-la, pode estar salvando a própria alma.

(Este é um romance erótico. Ele contém linguagem explícita, cenas de amor muito picantes e muitas emoções.)

O Coração do Bilionário ~ Sam

O Coração do Bilionário (A Obsessão do Bilionário - Sam)

GÊNERO: Romance adulto erótico contemporâneo

Observação da autora: Este romance é a história completa de Sam e Maddie, mas recomendo ler primeiro A Obsessão do Bilionário – A Coleção Completa (a história de Simon e Kara) para enriquecer a leitura.

Sam e Maddie estão aqui!

O bilionário Sam Hudson viveu praticamente a vida inteira sem pedir desculpas, pois tenta nunca fazer nada do que possa se arrepender... exceto pelo que fez no passado à dra. Madeline Reynolds. Depois de muitos anos e muito arrependimento, Sam se encontra novamente com Maddie por acaso. Com o casamento do irmão dele, Simon, com a melhor amiga de Maddie, os dois são forçados a serem civilizados. Mas Sam quer mais do que ser apenas educado. Quer outra chance de consertar o passado e faz uma proposta ousada a Maddie. Uma oferta que sabe que ela terá dificuldades em recusar, apesar de odiá-lo.

A dra. Madeline Reynolds adora Kara, sua melhor amiga, e Simon, noivo dela. Mas ser forçada a aguentar a companhia de Sam Hudson no casamento de Simon e Kara é pura tortura. Ela odiou Sam por anos, mas, quando ele lhe faz uma oferta, algo que lhe toca o coração, Maddie fica dividida entre o ódio pelo homem e a oferta de algo que sempre quisera desesperadamente. Uma vez, Sam Hudson quase a destruíra. Mas Maddie descobre que, algumas vezes, as coisas não são como parecem. Sam é realmente um conquistador barato ou há algo mais sob a superfície?

Duas pessoas, com tantos anos de dor entre elas, podem aprender a confiar uma na outra novamente?

Atenção: este é um romance erótico e não é apropriado para leitores jovens. O livro contém cenas de sexo explícitas, linguagem e situações que não são apropriadas para leitores jovens.