Dimmi Che Sei Mia

Un incontro casuale tra un miliardario riservato e una formosa esperta di pubbliche relazioni potrebbe essere la soluzione perfetta per entrambi i loro problemi - o un delizioso scandalo in divenire - nella nuova serie I Miliardari Britannici dell'autrice best seller del New York Times, J. S. Scott...

Sono il tipo di donna che gioca sempre sul sicuro. Nella propria vita professionale come "riparatrice" di pubbliche relazioni, e nella vita personale, soprattutto quando si tratta del sesso opposto. Davvero, chi ha bisogno di alti momenti e poi dei bassi del tipo voglio-morire-perché-mi-ha-lasciato di una relazione? Almeno, questo è quello che pensavo... finché non ho incontrato lui.

Damian Cognome-Non-Pervenuto è sexy come il peccato, e avevo sviluppato una sorta di strana attrazione istantanea per lui nel momento in cui aveva sistemato il suo corpo scolpito accanto al mio su un volo da Londra a Los Angeles. Il suo sexy accento britannico aveva fatto cose folli ai miei ormoni femminili già sopiti, il che alla fine mi aveva portata a fare la cosa più impulsiva che avessi mai fatto in tutta la mia vita. Baciarlo mentre tutti gli altri in business class dormivano. O mi aveva baciata lui? Tutto quello che sapevo era che eravamo stati entrambi partecipanti molto disponibili, e quell'abbraccio che scioglieva le mutandine aveva scosso il mio intero mondo.

Sfortunatamente, quel momento di spontaneità mi avrebbe perseguitata una volta scoperta la vera identità di Mr. Inglese Sexy. Aveva nascosto il suo cognome per un motivo. Oh no, non potevo fare qualche passo falso una volta nella vita con un normale uomo d'affari. Doveva essere uno da libri dei record, e doveva accadere con uno degli uomini più potenti del mondo. E, oh sì, doveva anche essere assolutamente il più grosso puttaniere del pianeta.

Una volta aver scoperto la verità, avrei potuto facilmente convincermi che il bacio non era poi così sconvolgente - se Damian Lancaster non fosse venuto coraggiosamente nel mio ufficio il giorno successivo per chiedere scusa e per farmi un'offerta professionale che non potevo rifiutare...

Addio sanità mentale; benvenuta follia.

Dimmi Che Sono Tuo

C'è di più nel viziato, titolato, miliardario britannico puttaniere di quello che vedo in superficie?

Voglio davvero odiare Dylan Lancaster.

Ha ferito la mia migliore amica e ha quasi distrutto la sua relazione con il suo gemello identico. Quindi, decido che qualcuno deve tenerlo a freno in modo che non provi a demolire completamente la coppia prima che si celebri il loro matrimonio. Purtroppo, l'unica donna che proverebbe ad assumersi questo compito impossibile sono... io.

Sono solo sei settimane, giusto? Sicuramente posso tollerare il coglione odioso e donnaiolo e tenerlo fuori dai guai, in modo che nessuno dei suoi scandali colpisca i media prima del matrimonio di suo fratello. Sono una manager delle crisi nelle pubbliche relazioni. Schiacciare la cattiva pubblicità è quello che faccio, e lo faccio molto bene per i miei clienti di alto profilo.
Quello che non mi aspettavo è iniziare ad apprezzare gli scorci del vero Dylan che comincio a intravedere sotto tutto il suo cinismo. Né avrei mai immaginato di essere così attratta da lui da riuscire a malapena a respirare ogni volta che si avvicina a me.

Dylan è un uomo che ha sofferto un profondo dolore emotivo. Lo sento. Lo percepisco. La domanda è: posso raggiungere il vero Dylan Lancaster prima che sia troppo tardi?

Nota: Questo è un romance da nemici ad amici ad amanti su un miliardario britannico con un'eroina americana. Consiglierei di leggere prima la storia di Damian in Dimmi Che Sei Mia, Libro 1 de I Miliardari Britannici per aumentare il piacere della lettura.


El amor vale una fortuna en esta sugerente novela de romance y riqueza accidentales por la autora en las listas de bestsellers del New York Times J. S. Scott.

La conservacionista de vida silvestre Jade Sinclair no está acostumbrada a tener dinero, pero cuando ella y sus hermanos se enteran de que formaban parte de la dinastía de los ultrarricos Sinclair, se convierten en multimillonarios de la noche a la mañana. Jade ni siquiera sabe cómo actuar para parecer rica, especialmente cuando tiene que lidiar con Eli Stone, un esnob injustamente sexy, arrogante y privilegiado.

Al contrario que Jade, Eli creció rico y sigue enriqueciéndose cada vez más. Eli siempre está buscando aventuras y ha encontrado una muy apetecible en Jade, tan inmune como irresistible. ¿Su plan nada honorable? Quedarse a solas con ella en la naturaleza reservando todas las plazas en su clase de supervivencia.

Después de pedir una tregua, hacen un trato: Jade enseñará habilidades básicas de supervivencia a Eli, y él le mostrará cómo moverse por el mundo de la élite adinerada. Jade solo tiene una condición: no se dejará seducir por él. Pero del dicho al hecho hay un trecho…


Nada más rico que una segunda oportunidad en la ardiente segunda novela de la serie Multimillonarios por Casualidad de la autora superventas del New York Times J. S. Scott.

Aiden Sinclair era pescador comercial antes de recibir repentinamente su herencia multimillonaria, aunque no se queja. Ser un Sinclair tiene sus ventajas. Pero las cosas eran más fáciles antes de recibir el dinero. Tal vez fuera más pobre que las ratas, pero le gustaba su trabajo y siempre pensaba volver de la mar con su novia, Skye Weston, para que pudieran pasar a algo más permanente. O, al menos, ese era el plan… hasta que volvió de un viaje de pesca de dos meses para descubrir que se había mudado e iba a casarse con otro. Aquello destruyó su mundo.

Ahora, Skye está de vuelta en la ciudad después de casi una década. Es madre soltera y está tan guapa como siempre. Sin embargo, por alguna extraña razón, parece odiarlo, cuando debería ser Aiden quien no quisiera ni ver a la mujer que lo dejó plantado. Por desgracia, más de nueve años de separación no han empañado su química explosiva cuando están juntos. Pero aunque esos sentimientos sean reales, Skye ha estado guardando secretos. La verdad del pasado está a punto de salir a la luz y hay mucho más en juego que el corazón de Aiden.

Tell Me You’re Mine

A chance encounter between a secretive billionaire and a plus size PR expert could be the perfect solution to both their problems—or a delicious scandal in the making—in New York Times bestselling author J.S. Scott’s new British Billionaires series…

I am the type of woman who always plays it safe. In my professional life as a public relations “fixer,” and in my personal life, especially when it comes to the opposite sex. Really, who needs the wild highs, and the I-want-to-die-because-he-left-me lows of a relationship? At least, that’s what I thought…until I met HIM.

Damian No-Last-Name-Given is sexy as sin, and I’d developed some kind of weird, instant attraction to him the moment he settled his chiseled body next to mine on a flight from London to Los Angeles. His sexy British accent did crazy things to my previously dormant female hormones, which had eventually led me to do the most impulsive thing I’d ever done in my entire life. I kissed him while everyone else in business class was sleeping.  Or had he kissed me? All I knew was that we were both very willing participants, and that panty-melting embrace had rocked my entire world while it was happening.

Unfortunately, that moment of spontaneity would haunt me once I found out Mr. British Hottie’s true identity. He’d held his last name back for a reason. Oh no, I couldn’t make some once-in-a-lifetime misstep with an ordinary businessman. When I screwed up, it had to be one for the record books, and it had to happen with one of the most powerful men in the world.  And, oh yeah, he also absolutely had to be the biggest man-whore on the planet.

Once I knew the truth, I could have easily convinced myself that the kiss wasn’t all that earthshattering, either—if Damian Lancaster hadn’t boldly swaggered into my office the very next day to apologize, and to make me a business offer I couldn’t possibly refuse…

Goodbye sanity; hello madness.

Available Now as Audible Original

eBook/Print Release December 1, 2020

Tell Me I’m Yours

Is there more to the spoiled, entitled, British billionaire man-whore than what I see on the surface?

I really want to hate Dylan Lancaster.

He hurt my best friend, and nearly destroyed her relationship with his identical twin brother. So, I decide that someone needs to rein him in so he doesn't try to demolish the couple completely before their wedding takes place. Unfortunately, the only woman who would try to take on that impossible task is...me.

It's only six weeks, right? Surely I can tolerate the womanizing, obnoxious jerk and keep him out of trouble so that no more of his scandals hit the media before his brother's wedding. I'm a public relations crisis manager. Squashing bad press is what I do, and I do it extremely well for my high profile clients.

What I don't count on is actually starting to like the glimpses of the real Dylan I begin to see underneath all of his cynicism. Nor did I ever imagine that I'd become so attracted to him that I could barely breathe every time he gets close to me.

Dylan is a man who has suffered profound emotional pain. I can sense it. I can feel it. The question is: Can I possibly reach the real Dylan Lancaster before it's too late?

Note: This is an enemies to friends to lovers British billionaire romance with an American heroine. I'd recommend reading Damian's story first in Tell Me You're Mine, Book 1 of The British Billionaires to enhance your reading pleasure.

Dearest Stalker: A Complete Collection

What happens when a woman falls in love with her stalker?

I'm not the type of woman who actually inspires passion in any guy, much less one who makes it a habit to watch me because he's obsessed.

I'm a curvy, plain Jane. I like my chips, chocolate, and junk food, and it definitely shows.

I'm an educated geek who would rather have my nose in a computer instead of a fashion magazine.

But none of those things seem to matter to Stalker. He sees something in me that I don't see in myself, and I don't know why.

I'm terrified, yet I'm inexplicably intrigued.

I'm cautious by nature, but something makes me want to know who he is, and why he gives a sh*t about somebody like me.

I know falling for a man I've never seen in the light of day is dangerous.

Does he stalk me because he wants to own me, control me, and make me into the woman he thinks that I am?

Does he want to hurt me, or is he just a lost soul like me?

And why did it feel so good to touch him under the cover of darkness?

Is he my nightmare or my dearest stalker?

Getting to know him might be foolish, but for some reason, I just can't walk away...

Author's note: This is a red-hot, sexy, curvy girl serial romance with an obsessed, alpha male stalker. Read at your own risk.

Dearest Stalker: Part 1

What happens when a woman falls in love with her stalker?

I'm not the type of woman who actually inspires passion in any guy, much less one who makes it a habit to watch me because he's obsessed.

I'm a curvy, plain Jane. I like my chips, chocolate, and junk food, and it definitely shows.

I'm an educated geek who would rather have my nose in a computer instead of a fashion magazine.

But none of those things seem to matter to Stalker. He sees something in me that I don't see in myself, and I don't know why.

I'm terrified, yet I'm inexplicably intrigued.

I'm cautious by nature, but something makes me want to know who he is, and why he gives a sh*t about somebody like me.

I know falling for a man I've never seen in the light of day is dangerous.

Does he stalk me because he wants to own me, control me, and make me into the woman he thinks that I am?

Does he want to hurt me, or is he just a lost soul like me?

And why did it feel so good to touch him under the cover of darkness?

Is he my nightmare or my dearest stalker?

Getting to know him might be foolish, but for some reason, I just can't walk away...

Author's note: This is a red-hot, sexy, curvy girl serial romance with an obsessed, alpha male stalker. Read at your own risk. You can get the rest of the series in Dearest Stalker: The Complete Collection.

Dearest Protector

From New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author J.S. Scott comes the long-awaited follow-up to Dearest Stalker! This is Ben Blackwood and Ariel Prescott's story.

At the young age of twenty-three, I felt like my life was over.

One accident, one incident that I couldn't even remember, had stolen my successful New York ballet career that I had worked so hard for since my early childhood.

Now, I was back home in Florida trying to eke out a living with very few job skills and not a single person who cared about me except my best friend, Katie.

And then I met Benjamin Blackwood, a brilliant, gorgeous billionaire, in probably the most mortifyingly embarrassing way possible.

Even though we'd never even met before, he offered me a deal and a chance at a new life that I literally couldn't afford to turn down, and for the first time, I began to believe that I could be happy without my dancing career.

I found my new career. I found myself. I found my confidence and joy again. I found red-hot passion and intimacy for the very first time with a man who made me feel things I never thought possible.

Suddenly, my life was nearly perfect.

Until the day when I realized Ben Blackwood's real motivation for stepping up to save me in the first place...